Comments for Tibetan Tattoos
Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus

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Nov 26, 2014
Om Mani Padme Hum
by: Chris Fynn

I originally drew that design and made the font used for the lettering - though of course both are based on traditional Tibetan and Bhutanese designs.

You can find the original image on Wikimedia Commons at:

Although it has been copied all over the place, I'd appreciate it if you'd properly attribute the image if you are going to use it on a website. (As you are supposed to do under the terms of the CC by SA 3.0 license it was released under.) Anyway doing so is just common courtesy.

You are of course welcome to use it for a tatoo (without an attribution tag) - but at least you should know where the design came from.

Nov 01, 2010
Tibetan Tattoos - Where can I find it?
by: Anonymous

Hi!!! Just loved your tatoo :) I have two already. One is a lotus and the other one is NALINI (lotus) in sankrit. I would like to have this image, this drawing to make another one like this. Do you mind?

Thanks in advance :)

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Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus