Five Tibetan Exercises

Get in shape, lose weight and feel happier by doing the
Five Tibetan Exercises!

The Five Tibetan Exercises also known as the 5 Tibetan Rites/Rights or Rejuvenation Yoga is sometimes also called the lost fountain of youth!

Whatever you want to call it, it's amazing, I do it every day, love it and highly recommend it.

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The Five Tibetan Rites is a system of exercises said to be more than 2,500 years old from Tibet which were first reported by Peter Kelder in a 1939 publication entitled The Eye of Revelation.

This book is displayed at the bottom of the page.

This video below shows the exercises done correctly by a nice hunky guy.
Even though these are great core muscle exercises, you will not get muscles like that from just doing this yoga, sorry!
But you will get improved overall health, fitness and energy level!

Like any exercise program, it is very important to start out slowly, adding a few repetitions every week until you get up to 21 of them. Stretching before beginning each session is also a very good idea!

I have heard of people doing these movements very quickly and this is not right. Like any other yoga, it should be done slowly, carefully and with mindfulness. Only you know your own limits!

This next video is of me doing the miracle exercises!
Only 3 of each just to give you an idea.

I swear this video looked much more professional on my computer!

Watch a fun video of my Tibetan husband at his first attempt to do the 5 Tibetan Rites

Stretch Chair Yoga DVDs

Once you work your way up to the full amount, this is an easy and quick way to get your exercise and shot of happiness before breakfast!

The whole program only takes me about 12 minutes including warm up every morning. (It is always very important to do some stretches before exercise.) It gives me the enthusiasm and positive energy I need to begin my day.

The ancient rites stimulate the energy system in the body, wake up the chakras, and get energy moving from your core outward to your extremities.

The theory behind the five Tibetan exercises is that your kundalini (spiritual energy) is stored and lies at the base of your spine and that these rites access that energy in a very efficient, fast, and safe way.

Although the rites are good for stretching muscles and joints and improving muscle tone, this is not their primary purpose. We have vortexes in the body that spin fast when we are young but as we age or if we are very stressed and don’t exercise, they slow down. Slow & abnormal vortexes produces abnormal health, deterioration, and old age.

The 5 Rites normalize the speed of the spinning vortexes by keeping them spinning at the same rate and working in harmony.

I have heard that this also reverses the aging process, but will believe that myth when I see it for myself!

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