by Alesha Wilson
(Wilmington, NC)
There are different cultures in the world that are too fascinating to disregard. The Asian culture, for one, is so varied that you cannot get a single Asian taste. There are many rich varieties that you will only know about with careful observation. A culture that is known for its ties to Buddhism is the Tibetan culture. If you are planning to take some time off and head to Tibet, there are a few things you might want to remember first.
1. Brush up on history. You need to be sensitive about the people living in the country you will visit, whether it is Tibet or not. Some countries are shy when it comes to talking about what had happened in the past, so you should make your own research about it.
2. Know the delicacies. Tibet has some delicious dishes to offer, so don’t look for something that isn’t there. Instead, enjoy what is being served to you. That’s how you truly experience the country. Ginger and many other spices that are helpful for the body are common in Tibet. You can also have your fill of grass-fed beef in this country.
3. Live their way of life. Marvel in their daily prayers. Listen to their music. Speak in the vernacular language. While you are there, the best way to live the Tibetan life is to immerse yourself in their culture. Familiarize yourself with their attractions and be prepared for their climate.
There is no other way for you to enjoy your stay in Tibet than by committing every bit of this country to your memory. Every minute you spend there will be filled with memories to remember as long as you open your eyes and your heart to what surrounds you. And, more importantly, don’t be scared to come back.
Alesha Wilson is a staff writer at, leading natural health website that supplies Prostabel.